mary galan

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Born and raised in West Hills, CA, I am a proud Latin ​American with over 16 years of experience in the beauty ​industry as a business manager. With a decade of expertise in ​driving sales growth, building strong customer relationships, ​and promoting brand awareness, I have successfully led ​teams, developed brand communication strategies, and ​contributed to the launch of new initiatives across 10 global ​brands.

Following a personal separation, I faced significant challenges ​as a single mother, including depression and a lack of ​confidence. Through journaling and reconnecting with my ​faith, I found solace and overcame these personal, mental, ​and professional obstacles. This journey fueled my ​determination to excel in all areas of my life. As my corporate ​career flourished, I recognized the positive impact I was ​having on other women’s lives. Through introspection and ​prayer, I discovered my passion for creating a space where ​women can build a relationship with themselves, develop ​good habits, and align their thoughts, dreams, and goals.

This passion led to the creation of HER & I


Our Story

HER & I is a cutting-edge platform designed to empower a ​vibrant community of creative, resilient, and ambitious ​individuals. We offer unparalleled support and resources to help ​you embark on your journey toward achieving your dreams. At ​HER & I, we understand that life can be challenging, but we ​believe in the power of personal narrative. You are the author of ​your story, and we are here to help you write it.

Our platform is built on the belief that everyone has the potential ​to be a leader, including YOU.

We provide the tools and inspiration needed to listen to your ​calling and transform your unique contributions into tangible ​value for the world and yourself. Join us at HER & I, where we ​cultivate leadership, foster personal growth, and turn aspirations ​into reality.


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Discover and enjoy captivating interviews with accomplished leaders who have achieved success both personally ​and professionally. Our platform provides invaluable insights on unlocking your full potential as a leader, delving ​into the HOW and WHY of entrepreneurship. Embrace the mindset of a leader and integrate these principles into ​both your personal and professional life. At HER & I, we empower you to think and believe in your leadership ​abilities, guiding you on a transformative journey toward excellence.

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